Sunday 21 July 2013

Summer, I Thank You for Showing Up for Work this Year" :)

Today I'm just happy. Woke up too early but chilled out on the sofa watching TV while my dog and husband snored down the hall in bed. I edited photos, cleaned up the kitchen and fell back asleep. The sun was out and the temperature was perfect.  I couldn't help by smile in gratitude for the amazing summer we've had this year.

I have never seen Scotland so resplendent this time of year! We've had very little rain, the wild flowers are madly in bloom...EVERYWHERE, and people are outside in flip flops, shorts and getting sun tans. There are BBQs, time spent with good friends and blue skies as far as the eye can see. It's fanfuckingtastic!

And, wait, THERE'S MORE! My husband announced today that he was BBQing for lunch. He made burgers spiced with cumin and chile topped with salsa, guacamole and the works. We had ice cold Scottish cider on cubes of ice and we sat outside, loving it all for what it was worth...alfresco lunch in Scottish summer time.

After lunch, we walked around our front yard and over to the pond so I could show him our ducklings then over to cuddle the lambs for a bit. Into the house I cleaned up a bit, husband went upstairs to do some computer work and listen to the cricket.

“All in all, it was a never-to-be-forgotten summer — one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going — one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world.” 
― L.M. Montgomery

What's that song say? "Summer time and the living is ea-say..."  Of all my years as a native Los Angeles chick, I had many, many good summers. They were all hot and sunny, predictably so in fact. But having a month or so of typically California summer weather in North East Scotland is simply bliss. Summer has been the one thing from back home that I truly have missed and that I couldn't buy from an online store or purchase when in LA visiting. I have seen the occasional 2 or 3 nice days, but nothing so glorious as this!! I have always wondered what a nice summer would be like in a place so stunningly beautiful as northern Scotland. Looks like I've had a wish come true :)  - to think, the extra long and ridiculously cold winter we experienced through to May, had come with people frequently saying "I hear we're supposed to have a really nice summer though".  I'd nod and smile and secretly hope...finally chalked it up to some sort of ancient Scottish coping mechanism but oh now, SUMMER is HERE!

This has been such a wonderful weekend, even if it rained tomorrow I'd still have a smile for the good times made by possible by lovely weather this summer of 2013.

You should know by now I'm not going to sit here and spout of flowery sentences without a reason. I don't believe in "God" or the Devil" so when you see what I'm about to say you will know, she must be blissed out. What I'm gonna say is that we are just SO very blessed. Sure we've got problems, some of them are quite serious. But at the end of the day, a nice BBQ, a cold beer or cider and some warm sun are excellent for what ails you and a really nice way to take some stress off the mind.

I'm posting a few things today because by comparison with a lot going on right now in our lives, a nice weekend was the best gift my little family of man, wife and doggy could have received.

First, is a photo I snapped with my trust iPhone as I sat down to lunch. Low carb wrap, amazing quality mice steak, guacamole, jalapenos...etc. My beverage of choice is Thstley Cross Strawberry Cider over lots of ice. And the view? Who would complain about this view?

The rest are just quotes, clip arts and a music video or two about the joys of a good summer day.

Have a WONDERFUL week ahead! As always, thanks for coming along to read this blog.

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“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; 
to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”  - Henry James

Summer themed songs for ya!

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